Microfluidic poetry: A unique, imaginative and sensitive vision of the microfluidics field
Can we feel a scientific practice, through emotion, through the realm of the sensitive? Can we get a peek of microfluidics without talking about science, without showing the instruments?
The Microfluidic Poetry project was initiated in 2018 by Elveflow and the artist Julien Ridouard. Artists and scientists worked together to develop a new world, an abstract universe symbolizing what this scientific world can be. They combined their base materials: pigments, paint, and the most accurate pressure controllers in the world. An extraordinary research process then began, starting from a question:
Can we feel a scientific practice, through emotion, through the realm of the sensitive? Can we get a peek of microfluidics without talking about science, without showing the instruments?
Instruments, tools, technical terms are removed to give way to emotion, poetry and imagination. Microfluidic poetry is a conceptual and sensitive vision of the microfluidic field, on the blurring border between arts and science. An invitation to dream and marvel over a new world, full of personal abstraction.
The project was inspired by various artistic and scientific works, sometimes revised, revisited, rethought. A mix of different disciplines to open the boundaries of the arts, sciences and technologies.
Jérôme Iglesias, Tewfik Zementzali, Julie Cavallasca, Guilhem Velve Casquillas, Jeremy Cramer and all the teams at Elveflow.
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