Quantum Future: Interrogate the nature of light

The Quantum Future Project is a photographic exploration to interrogate the complexity of the quantum reality.

Take me along with you. Photography, ref: QF_190282, Quantum Future | Julien Ridouard, 2019

The work of art plays with multiple light sources reflected into refraction and diffraction lenses.
Experiments in quantum photonics uses optical benches to direct lasers into a series of lenses. Theses experiments are able to manipulate light in quantum state to study it.

Image by Julien Ridouard, during the visit at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Optique quantique, with prof. Valentina Parigi

This project is an abstract invitation to look at what we can’t see and feel the complex nature of fundamental particles we are made of.

This work is related to the artist’s background, worked in fundamental physics. With the fast coming quantum technologies in the market, art need to interrogate the strange reality of particles and try to have a glimpse of what it is occurring inside “Quantum Computers”.

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